TCM Dozenten





AESCHLIMANN AndréProf. Dr. med.Pre-clinic and clinic convetional medicine
ALBERT MonikaDr. med. Ph.D.Pre-clinic and clinic convetional medicine
BAHR FrankProf.* Prof. tcm Dr. med.Classics and energetics in TCM
FURIAN MichaelProf.* Dr. sc. ETHResearch and knowledge transfer in TCM
GEBAUER Sook Ching MargaretMSc / DoktorandinAkupressure
HU WeiguoProf.* Prof. tcm Dr. tcmAcupuncture and ethnomedicine
HUANG HuangProf. Dr.Jing Fang
KALG AndreasDr. tcmTCM-medicines and recipes
LI YimingProf.* Prof. tcm Dr. tcm Dr. medIntergrative medicine
MRESSE MoscheProf.* PD Dr.Effectiveness, expediency and economic efficiency
QI KaiProf.* Prof. tcmHuman science TCM and health management
REN XiaoyanProf. Dr.Medical aesthetics in TCM
SHABAN HamdyPhDPreclinical convetional medicine
SUWANDA SandiProf.* Prof. tcm Dr. med.Jing Fang and Master Tung acupuncture
WANG Ying,Prof. tcmAbdominal diagonsis and therapy
YIN Hongchun,Prof. tcmTongue diagnostics
YE Liuzhong,Dr. tcmMeridian and acupuncturte
XU JieProf.* Prof. tcmAcupuncture and TCM standards
* 瑞士中医药大学任命和提名